Monday, 21 January 2013

Snow Descends - Learning to enjoy it again

Winter finally hits the UK...

I have very fond memories of the snow from my childhood. Mum and Dad taking me down the park to go sledging. Building snowmen. Snowball fights with my school friends. Cracking the ice on the frozen ponds. Gazing in wonderment at the tiny, perfectly formed snowflakes landing on me, each one absolutely unique and perfect.

There used  to be an almost uncontrollable level of excitement that would flood through me on cold, Winter days when I'd wake up, look out the window and find the whole world had magically turned white. Then absolute hysteria when the news came through that school was closed for the day and I had the day off to play with my friends....

As a child you never had to worry about train delays,  flat car batteries, central heating problems, frozen water pipes or icy roads. Your parents sorted all that boring stuff out. You just got up, had some breakfast (only because your mum forced you to), grabbed your jacket, gloves and boots and jumped straight into the largest snowdrift you could find with a huge, inane grin on your face.

It's become apparent to me recently, mainly due to having a Mexican girlfriend who has only seen snow a couple of times in her life, how much I've lost my appreciation of the beautiful snowy landscape. I also work with lots of guys from India and the first time they experience the snow their Facebook page will be inundated with photos of them making snowmen or having snowball fights, in every photo you will see very happy people with huge grins on their faces. How come they can love it so much and all I dwell on are the negatives?

Having thought about it, I believe my receding excitement about the snow isn't anything to do with age, just long-term overexposure. Like so many things in life, the more frequently you experience something, the less exciting and more mundane it becomes. The wonder decreases and the annoying disruption to your daily routine becomes the thing you focus on.

Strangely enough, I absolutely love winter sports and like nothing more than being in the snowy mountains at this time of year. I guess the main difference being on a skiing holiday is that I'm not at work, plus the ski resorts are designed to cope with the snow, with all facilities working flawlessly even in ten foot snowdrifts! (this is not really that surprising of course, as it's their primary business).

I've noticed in recent years many friends with children showing great interest again in things like Christmas and Snow, triggered by the pure excitement they see in their kids. It reminds them of the wonderment they used to have and rekindles their enthusiasm, allowing them to forget the concerns and worries they have built up and see the world through a child's eyes again.

Like northern lights, sunsets, eclipses or thunderstorms, snow is a natural weather phenomenon of extreme beauty. Yes, true, our country is not particularly well adapted to deal with it, mainly because it only happens for a couple of weeks a year. We don't invest in the same incredible facilities other countries have and I don't really blame us for that. There are so many other more important things to spend our national budget on for the rest of the year. Yes, it would be nice if we were a bit more prepared and the transport networks didn't grind to a halt when we have a few centimetres of snow, but it doesn't last long and things generally get back to normal after a few days. Yes, of course I like to have a bitch about it (Well, I am British!), but it's never really that bad.

So next time I look out the window and see the white blanket descending, I am vowing to try not to think of the negatives. I can get up a bit earlier to get to work on time. Many people (myself included) can work from home these days if the weather is bad or transport is disrupted. Technology has increasingly facilitated us overcoming the difficulties of extreme weather.

Try and remember the joy you used to feel as a child when you saw this wonderful natural weather system descend and how lucky we are to experience something so beautiful for short periods of the year. Think of all those people sweltering in extremely hot countries that are extremely jealous of us because of it. Whatever the weather, there are always associated problems. We have a pretty good deal in the UK, a reasonably balanced weather system, highs and lows, proper seasonal variations and beautiful lush, green landscapes because of it. Ours is a beautiful country and a lot of that is down to the great variety of weather conditions we get here, snow included.

So, my advice to you all (and to myself!)....

Embrace the Winter. Wrap up warm. Make snowmen. Have fun. Even as an adult, it's still a hell of a lot of fun to slide down a snowy hill on a sled. Just search for your inner child, open yourself up to the idea again and enjoy it. You will have a huge grin on your face before you know it.

Like Bonfire Night or New Year, the snow comes and goes so quickly that we should enjoy it while it lasts.

Summer will be here before we know it and then we'll all be moaning that it's too hot! :)

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Tactus haptic touchscreen - Seriously next generation!

I've just been sent a link to this webpage and had to share it.
BBC "CES 2013: The tablet that turns itself lumpy"

Surely this incredible technology will eventually become part of every day life? There are so many potential applications. With the rise of touchscreens and 'apps', I cannot even fathom where this might go. Love your touchscreen tablet/phone/PC, but still love the feel of real buttons on a keyboard? No problem.

Tactus is here to make your dreams come true. The technological future seems limitless....

Monday, 14 January 2013

Bose Quiet Comfort 15s - Wipe the floor with Beats by Dr Dre...

A while ago the Beats by Dr Dre headphones "phenomemon" took over the UK.

Style over substance? Clever marketing over quality? Simply put... YES (in my opinion!).

I had furiously resisted the brand for quite a while, simply because I hate following the crowd. I am not a typical trend follower and will always do my research and try to buy the 'best' product, rather than the 'coolest'.

The streets of London are overrun with teenagers and working professionals alike all brazenly showing off their Beats. So when I decided I needed some new over ear headphones (historically an annual event for me as I listen to my music ever day and my phones get a good battering!), I took the plunge and decided to get some 'premium' phones. I duly tried out some over-ear Beats Studios, just to see what all the hype was about.

Yes I think they look quite cool and are very cleverly branded. They also weren't bad headphones for the sound quality. I listen to a lot of electronic and bass-heavy music and that's what they claim to be designed for. They do a pretty good job and the bass came out nice and punchy, although strict audiophiles will almost certainly slate them for their general lack of overall 'balance'. Another plus is the cables. As they're by Monster, they have awesome cables that will no doubt last you for years before they break.

However, they had several MAJOR downsides for me:
1) Noise Cancelling - I listen a lot on the tube and was also flying a lot at the time. Noise cancelling was a definite must have as I wanted to drown out the annoying hum of the commuters and plane engine noise. This was the first black mark for the Beats. The reported 'noise cancelling' is almost non-existent!

2) Sound leakage - I use them every day on my commute, so I wanted closed over ear headphones specifically so I could listen to my music at a reasonable level without annoying other passengers around me. Second black mark for the Beats. They are DREADFUL at leaking sound! You might as well be carrying around a ghetto blaster (quick flashback to the 80s there...) blaring your music out.

3) Build Quality - I wanted headphones that would last, especially as I was spending well over £200 on a pair. Third black mark for the Beats. The Beats Studio over-ears felt plasticy, rattled if you moved them about and felt like I'd break them easily if I was a little too forceful.

So, having bought them and realising they were DEFINITELY not for me, I took them back the next day and replaced them with the far superior Bose Quiet comfort 15s.

OK, they don't have the same 'cool factor' for the kids, but wow, what a difference. I guess I shouldn't be surprised with a company like Bose. This is what they do. Make decent quality audio products. And the Noise Cancelling... WOW again! Simply awesome. So superior to the Beats it was incredible. Bose have made their name in recent years with Noise Cancelling technology and headphones specifically marketed at frequent flyers. So again I shouldn't be surprised, but the quality of the NC on the Bose was simply stunning. My daily commute has become a quiet haven of pleasant music listening. Flight noise is reduced down to a very pleasant and manageable hum, even crying babies disappeared into the background noise.

The  build quality is great too. They are very flexible, feel well made and are incredibly comfortable, plus they hardly leak any sound so you can whack them right up without anyone around you batting an eyelid. The cables on them are a bit flimsy to be honest (compared to the Monster cables on the Beats), but they are perfectly adequate and equivalent to any other pair of headphones I've owned.

So, in summary I LOVE my Bose NC headphones. Yes, they are pricey, but they are fantastic.

After nearly a year and a half of enjoying this extremely pleasurable audio experience, Imagine my annoyance when yesterday... they BROKE! One of the earpieces started eminating a crackling noise and the signal was cutting in and out. The noise cancelling was still working, but something was definitely up with the audio feed to one of the earphones.

I was heartbroken :( These headphones transform my daily commute into a very pleasurable experience and I was faced with the prospect of days or weeks of noisy commuting again, assuming they would be sent off for repair to Germany or something...

So slightly glum, I wandered into the Bose shop on Regent Street this evening, prepared for the worst and what did I get? The best possible service I could have hope for.

After a very quick check to make sure the issue was with the headphones and not the cables and a cursory check of my original receipt, the extremely nice and helpful staff member did a straight swap for a brand new pair of headphones with new cables, plus a brand new 1 year warranty!

I bet Monster wouldn't have done that.

I remember thinking that I was a bit mental buying a £250 pair of headphones at the time, but when something goes wrong you realise part of the price is guaranteeing you have an amazing service experience that makes you come back for more.

Not only are these the best overall headphones I've ever owned, but the Bose customer service has ensured that I would definitely not hesitate to buy quality products from them again in the future.

So do you get what you pay for? Not always (like the Beats!), but in this case, I can undoubtedly say YES for the amazing Bose Quiet Comforts.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year - London 2012

I've not posted up for a while. The run up to Christmas had been a bit hectic at work and trying to fit in Christmas shopping, visiting family, blah, blah...

Anyway, finally the pandemonium of Christmas was over and the New Year conundrum arrived to take its place as usual. What to do? Where? And most importantly, who with?

For me this year the last question was already answered. I would spend it with my beautiful new girlfriend. No question about it. Because of this, the other two questions  seemed less important. It didn't really matter where or what we did, we'd be together and were guaranteed to have a good time.

So after a couple of hours of last minute changes of plans, scouring of the internet to find the best places to see in the New Year in London, we decided there was only one place we could be on our first New Year together. At the greatest show on earth, right at the front on the Thames watching the fireworks.

So off we trotted. We stocked up with some new warm clothes and a bottle of champagne. We filled ourselves with a large plate of delicious hot food from Whole Foods and we were set.

We came out at Charing Cross at about 6pm and walked down to the embankment, the crowds slowly building the nearer we got to the river. We found our friends Roger and Adriana and settled in for the long wait ahead.

Our makeshift campsite consisted of us sitting on the floor on bright pink House of Fraser bags. Several games of Uno! later and lots of chatting and we hit 8pm. 4 hours still to go and we're all asked to stand up to allow room for everyone as the crowds were building up.

The last four hours somehow seemed to sail by. It's all a bit of a blur now in my mind. There was a toilet trek which took about 30 minutes.  A guy climbed a tree to rapturous rounds of applause followed by screams of 'jump, jump, jump...'.

At about 10 pm Nihal came over the sound system and the party really started. We laughed, bounced, screamed, danced and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves for the next two hours. Everyone was smiling, couples were hugging and kissing, everyone was singing and jumping. From Kings of Leon to Salt n' Pepa, they played it all. And we LOVED IT!

We went live to the BBC at about 11.40 pm and we knew we were in the home straight. Everyone was getting really excited now. We'd made it. 6 hours of waiting were finally over...

The countdown began. 60 seconds was put on the clock, everyone was screaming the numbers out as it ticked down, Big Ben started booming the last chimes of 2012, the place was electric.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ,5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... BOOM!

The fireworks go off and it was stunning, spectacular, jaw dropping. As the sky was lit up with all the colours of the rainbow and the champagne corks started to pop, everyone was reminiscing over the year just gone by and what they wanted from the next one.

The fireworks ended to huge cheers, crowds of people from all nations, all backgrounds, all colours and creeds got together and had a huge party on the street. There were no social or regional boundaries here.

This. Is. New. Year.

This. Is. London.

I love it and I love the wonderful time I've had seeing in the New Year with my gorgeous girlfriend on the bank of the River Thames.

Happy New Year to everyone!