Tuesday 11 December 2012

You, Me, Something New

Those Moments of Inspiration

Sometimes unexpected things happen to you in life that you have no logical explanation for. They can lead you down paths you didn't know existed or certainly didn't ever see yourself travelling before. You think you know and are in control of your life and then a new door opens in front of you and you pass through it, finding yourself somewhere beautiful, slightly out of your normal comfort zone, but confident that this is where you are meant to be in life and happy to let it take you wherever it is going.

Recently this has happened to me.

A new person has come into my life that I find truly inspiring in so many ways. This person has enhanced my perception of the tracks we can follow in life and this has all occurred in a surprisingly short period of time.

This has led me to start this blog to record my likes and loves of all things, at this point I have decided to focus primarily on media... music, film, TV, the written word, websites, podcasts etc. Anything that I'm currently into (or not into!). Who knows where it will end up, but you have to start with something right?

I've done a couple of blogs in the past, but never anything serious with purpose. I hope this one may slowly build into an interesting source of inspiration for others. At the very least it will be a warm, safe haven for me to immortalise in print those transient thoughts and ideas that would otherwise escape me as they skip and bounce their merry dance round the universe.

Who is this inspiriational person? She goes by the name of Skene and all those who know her will not be surprised by any of this... te quiero mi noviecita preciosa x


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